Mohamad Soleh, S.Psi., M.M., CNLP., CRGP (Profile)

Mohamad Soleh, S. Psi, MM, CNLP, CRGP is a graduate of Psychology Indonesian Islamic University (UII) and Magister of Management IPB. He is the Founder of Smart Empowerment Technique (SET) well known for its special techniques he developed since 1999. He had wrote 3 books (Risk Culture, Strategic Talent Development and Smart Empowerment Technique). As a trainer, Assesor, project manager and a certified International NLP, he provides consulting management systems that helps clients implement corporate culture, bureaucracy reform, Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence, Balanced Scorecard, Competence-Based Human Resources Management, Work load Analysis, Project Management, Service Excellent, Leadership Development Program, Training for Trainers, Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making, Suggestion System, SOP Development, Job Analysis, New Business Development, 7 tools, Interpersonal and Mind Setting program and other management systems up to the most operational level.

He has been involved as an international consultant of the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP), being the Shareholder AIDA Consultant with the activity as a Senior consultant and Managing Director. Currently, he is also active as CEO of Al Fazza Property Consultant. As well as the chairman of II in the Training Consultation Board and the Empowerment of people (BKP2U) of Dewan Masjid Indonesia (DMI) and was once a speaker in one of the private TV in the event Inspirator (live) for 13 episodes. As well as many national and large scale training activities (+ 1000 participants) that have been loaded by national newspapers such as Republika.

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